
Higher Altitudes, Fototeca de Cuba, Havanna

photographs and videos by Nathalie Grenzhaeuser &  Mathias Völcker

curated by Nelson Ramirez de Aureliano Conde

Fototeca de Cuba
307 Mercaderes
La Habana


Opening: Friday, 24th of June 2016
Lecture: Tueday, 28th of June 2016
Exhibition: 25.6. bis 24.7.2016

In Higher Altitudes, Nathalie Grenzhaeuser and Mathias Völcker, explore in very different ways the perception and alteration of culture and landscape. Nathalie Grenzhaeuser reflects in her two photographic series, The construction of the quiet earth and Coincidence, the fragile arctic landscape and its possible deterioration in the future, as well as its exploration due to mining and science.  She combines these aspects with the ideas we have in our mind about this landscape, ideas influenced by fiction, visual art, and the exploration of the last two centuries.

Mathias Völcker´s video work, Pot´s, tell of loss and disorientation in contemporary society. Pot´s focuses on the subject of vertigo and free fall in combining the key scenes of Alfred Hitchcocks movie, Vertigo, with the high board divers in Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympia  in an infinite loop.

Both artists show visible and hidden aspects of their chosen subject matter and translate them into their own poetic language.


Arbeitsstipendium der Stiftung Bonner Kunstfonds 2016

Nathalie Grenzhaeuser erhält ein Arbeitsstipendium der Stiftung Bonner Kunstfonds
